What to Eat

Food Tourism – Is it Expensive?

There are many reasons people travel but food is definitely at the top of the list. Regardless of how globalization has brought the delicacies of the world into your own backyard, there is something to be said about an authentic dining experience in a food’s home country. From secrets of preparation to the history behind the dish, food tourism is an industry all on its own.

LeLance05But can you afford it? Absolutely. There is no reason to break the bank travelling the world in search of good food, as delicious dishes can be had for a reasonable rate. Many countries around the world have amazing cuisine and get by on very little money, but it’s knowing which ones are like this that are key – and that’s where research comes in. It’s a good idea to check your isa allowance before you sign onto some decadent tasting experience, but if you’re looking to merely sample the local flavours, it’s no cause for financial concern. The last thing you want though is to not be able to afford to eat, especially if it’s one of your main reasons for travelling!

Here’s how you can tour the food world for less.

Check Out Menus on the Street

No, these might not be the restaurants the travel guides brag about in the videos you watch or be rated in the Michelin system but these are real places where real people eat. Knowing whether something looks good or not depends a lot on individual taste, so how are you going to know if the place on the street is as good as the fancy one you booked through your hotel? In many cases, you won’t – but your wallet will. The restaurants with menus posted on the streets allow you to see what is available and for what price and most places offer this.

Avoid Wine Pairings

Alcohol is one of the biggest add ons when it comes to dining and it can easily be cut. Many foodies and gourmet lovers out there will swear that a good meal needs to be accompanied by quality spirits in order to bring out its true effect, but to that I say nonsense – food needs no assistance to be great.

No Reservations

While this isn’t always the case, you can be pretty well certain that reserving a table at a restaurant is generally going to be more expensive than one you just walk in from off the street. If you’re all about a certain decadent atmosphere, then by all means make the reservation. If you find this is the kind of dining you want to experience, you could always get a loan if cash is getting a bit low in the planning stages. In the end though, you do have to eat but places that require a reservation are not the only sources of great food!